Our Home In Making

DIY Sliding Doors – Garage Shelves

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We thought of couple of ways we could build these doors. We wanted something lightweight, so we could not go with plywood. We finally decided to use brown wall panels as they got that smooth finish and light weight.


To give these doors extra support, we framed them with 1x4s on all 4 sides and added some extra horizontal support in the middle as shown here.

We used a nail gun to nail the 1x4s from the back of the panel.


We got a Sliding door kit from Lowe’s to add the doors. We had to cut the metal track to the size of the doors using a miter saw. 

We needed support on top of the shelf to hold the doors. So we decided to use a 2×6 on the top of shelf. 

First, we fixed the track to the 2×6 and made sure it sticks out enough to move the doors freely. Then we nailed it on top of the shelf. If we’ve have planned these doors before, we would’ve left space for this to sit on while building the shelf. Since we didn’t, the top isn’t flush but it’s strong enough and solves the problem.


Then we attached the wheels to the doors. Make sure the wheels are attached at an equal height so that doors aren’t crooked. Now, we could hang the doors but we need to add stoppers on the edges.

We found these sliding window locks on Amazon and they worked great! We fixed them on the edges to stop the doors from rolling out.

That’s it! We have doors on our garage shelves. Hopefully someday I’ll paint them and make them little prettier. Maybe some chalk paint to write/draw the build plans while we work in garage. Please let us know if I’m missing any details and I will try my best to add them 🙂

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